Monday, March 30, 2020

The nimble squirrel outide my window

I was delighted to have a cute, bushy-tailed friend to share the lockdown with on the third day. Soft eyes, nimble feet, this little squirrel scurried around busily over narrow branches and broad leaves. 

Have you ever seen an upside down squirrel?! I was happy to capture it on video and have put it up on this blog to share. 

Sunday, March 29, 2020

The butterfly outside my window

Ok, so on Day1 of the lockdown we caught the little bird on camera. What's next? I opened the windows wide and just snapped the greenery outside. Nothing great, and basically the same greenery which is there anyway, because I am very fortunate to stay in one of the green lungs of the city. So maybe there were fewer leaves on a particular branch and maybe some fresh ones too. No, not going to do funny things like counting how many leaves on a branch, the way those humourous WhatsApp messages are going around about how many holes there are in a Marie biscuit. But there's more than that greenery that I did get from my window.

The bird outside my window

On 23rd March we were told there would be a 21-day lockdown from the midnight of 24th March. That meant staying at home, going out strictly only to buy essentials. Now, things can get really, really boring, day after day after day, especially if you don't have anything interesting to keep your mind active. So, well, the best thing to do is to start a blog I should think! I am a keen blogger already, so thought why not put up photos of whatever captures my phone's camera's interest? Mind you, my phone's camera is nothing great. I mean, I'm not an Instagram pro and you're definitely not going to  go "Wow!" "Awesome!" and things like that, even after I fiddle with it a bit so that you can see what I could see from my window. goes..

The yellow flowers and thirst quencher outside the window

When you look more closely at the greenery outside the windows from a design point of view, you tend to notice the unique shapes and forms...